Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

What Power is Compatible With You?

Got to try out another quiz... 'What Power is Compatible With You?'
Interested me cause I love the idea of having superpowers... hehe..
this is the result I got after doing the quiz...

~*~Result nr 11~*~

Your power is: Transportation

To simply matters you can, all in all, transport your way to places. This helps you get to places faster and be more efficent. In combat that is also good since your enemy will not know where you are and you can get suprise attacks on him/her.
For evil purposes you can break in to banks, etc and rob places.
For good purposes you can save people kidnapped in places (if you know where they are) etc.
As a person you are always on the go and don't like not having anything to do. You see boredom as useless and try to avoid it. Therefore you have many friends that can keep you occupied.
Other characteristics are that you're a nice and easy-going person, and maybe even popular. You are impulsive, energetic and just someone looking for a fun time and adventures.
People can't be bored with you.

Negative aspects:
You have a tendency to not stick with people and can get enemies when you're not loyal.
You can also back-talk people which will make you less liked.

What Power is Compatible With You?
brought to you by


The above description partially suits me... especially about the boredom part.. haha...
besides that, this power of 'Transportation' just reminds me of Nightcrawler of the X-Men...

In regards of the negative aspects.... at least I'm a loyal type of guy...
not sure about 'back-talk'ing people.... maybe comes with my urge to get undeniable facts straight...

I got to read two other powers that suit my personality... though not completely...
Though... the negative aspect of the one with super strength just gets to me...


Your power is: Telekinesis

This power of yours means that you can make material things to move, like for e.g. making the remote control fly over you just by thinking it. As all powers, this is a great gift to have. It is also helping you out since it allows you to be lazy and have things brought to you without moving a finger.
But if you move over to the immoral side this power can be used as destroying peoples property or similar things.
As a person you are easy going and just like to have a good time. There is nothing wrong with that, but people may see you as incredibly lazy and irresponsible. You prefer being out watching a movie or something than staying home and doing the math assignment.

Your outlook is fairly positive but you are aware everything isn't as nice as you'd like it to be. But this doesn't stop you and even if you can be sensitive, you get over things pretty quickly.
In school you could be considered as the fun one among your friends and could get along with different categories of people fairly easy.
You mean no intentional harm on those around you, but some people may think you're too happy and/or stupid.

Negative aspects:
Because you don't like to have things depending on you, this power may be seen as just something cool you have, and not as a helping gift.
Also you can get too egoistical at times without bothering to care for others.
That is why it's good to do some self-reflecting every once in a while to see that you're not going overboard.


Your power is: Super Strength

Your gift is rather self-explaining. But to clear things up, you have been given a power that makes you extremely strong. This is of course speaking in pyshical terms.
When doing good deeds the power could be used as helping people in e.g. fights or those under a fallen building etc.
For bad purposes the power could simply kill/beat anyone until the gifted gets his way.
You are however as a person on the good side. You are the leader type and have a tendancy to look at the whole picture rather than details. That could make you come off as inconsiderate, but that's far from the truth.
You can be impulsive and aggressive but you mean no harm with it. Sometimes it can even save you.
If you were to be in a group with others who have super powers you would be focusing more on them and the situation rather than yourself. So to even it out, you can be egotistical at times, but it's because you ignore your needs every once in a while.
You are responsible and brave but could still be seen as reckless.

Negative aspects:
Since you focus on the team/family/group of friends you could start thinking that they don't care about you since they don't seem to look after you the way you do to them.
Also you could intentionally endanger yourself (even in everyday life) when doing descicions without thinking it through that much.
But a leader with more sense of responsibility does not however come off as reckless, but logical.


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