Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Phantom of the Bat (Movie Review)

Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
BATMAN: Mask of the Phantasm

Kevin Conroy as Bruce Wayne aka Batman, Dana Delany as Andrea Beaumont, Hart Bochner as Arthur Reeves, Stacy Keach, Jr. as Phantasm and Carl Beaumont, Abe Vigoda as Salvatore 'Sal' Valestra, Efrem Zimbalist Jr. as Alfred Pennyworth, Mark Hamill as The Joker
Eric Radomski & Bruce W. Timm
Studio: Warner Bros

"Gotham City's Savior The Way He Was Meant To Be."
- Steve Persall, St. Petersburg Times

When the city's most feared gangsters are systematically eliminated, the Cape Crusader is blamed. But prowling the Gotham night is a shadowy new villain, the Phantasm, a sinister figure with some link to Batman's past. Can the Dark Knight elude the police, capture the Phantasm and clear his name?

The Phantasm
The ghostly Phantasm

Unmasking the Phantasm is just one of the twists in this dazzling animated feature. Discover all-new revelations about Batman's past, his archrival the Joker and Batman's most grueling battle ever - the choice between his love of a beautiful woman and his vow to be the defender of right. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm is a mystery that is genuinely absorbing , suspenseful and moving (Cincinnati Enquirer).

Bruce together with Alfred, his ever-trustworthy butler
Reeves (on TV): What kind of city are we running when we depend on the support of a potential MADMAN?
ALFRED: (Stops the TV) Such rot, sir. Why, you're the very model of sanity. Oh, by the way, I pressed your tights and put away your exploding gas balls.
BRUCE: Thank you, Alfred.

After this movie, I can safely confirm that I can feel the emotions of any story's characters (especially in films), cause this movie just pulls the emotions right out of me and left me sad for Batman for quite a while! (A day or so... that's the longest a movie ever left such an emotional impact on me!!)
After watching this movie I was left thinking about all night as I tried to sleep!
This movie is truly one movie with a pleasurable start only to be killed by a depressing end, I mean it... the pleasure just gets killed!

Arthur Reeves after his encounter with the Joker
You find something funny, Reeves (City Councilman)?

Let's start with the story, which is undoubtedly the soul of this film... The story is what made this film so worthwhile to watch...
As Steve Persall said, this movie tells the story of Batman, the way he was meant to be.
Sure, Bruce Wayne or his alter ego could easily attract the ladies, but he was just never meant to be with anyone.. not even his first true love, Andrea Beaumont. (And the only one I know of.. unless Catwoman really did get with him)

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Andrea: Nice footwork. Can you dance too?
A hot first kiss between Bruce Wayne & Andrea Beaumont

Let me just tell you what to expect to find out from this movie.
In this movie, we get to know how Bruce Wayne got started with his career to fighting crimes, but however, despite his incredible physiques and cunningness, he just couldn't strike fear into the criminals.
As the story progressed, we get to see how Bruce finally found the formula to strike extreme fear into the criminals, which I found had a lot to do with that first love of his, Andrea.
Think about it, you've just got engaged to a beautiful lady, who you love so much enough to go against a lifetime vow you made to your murdered parents, only to find the next day, a note from her saying to forget about her.
Also in the movie, it hints how the famous Batmobile got into the idea of the billionaire Bruce Wayne.

Grave of Victoria Beaumont, Andrea's motherAndrea & Bruce (At the back)
Andrea (from visiting her mother's grave): So tell me, with all that money and power, why do you always look like you want to jump off a cliff?
Bruce: Why should you care?
Andrea: I don't. Mother was asking.

I love the characters. I had quite a shock when suddenly Joker came into the picture. It was so totally unexpected for me!
All this while when I saw the advertisements of this movie on Cartoon Network, I had expected no other villain but Phantasm...
hehee.. so this movie like... scored high on my 'Good Movie' gauge.. hehe!

Salvatore Valestra and The Joker
Gotham's World Fair - Sal Valestra carefully walks in and gasps when the rusty fair robots start singing.
Suddenly, an unseen machine gun tears the robots' heads off.

Joker: I hate that song.
[What's Sal (an aging crime lord) doing meeting up with the Joker?

What deal are they trying to make?]

Speaking of Joker, this movie also shows a little of Joker's true identity.. though it never mentions anything on how he became how he is, permanent white skin, green hair and an abnormally wide grin.

Bruce & Andrea - The PastBruce & Andrea - The Present
[Just when you thought there might just be a chance to rekindle their love...]
Batman: Sal's having company tonight. Don't wait up.
Alfred: Meaning, I trust that once you're done with him, you'll be seeing her (Andrea)?
Batman: You think you know everything about me, don't you?
Alfred: I diapered your bottom, I bloody well ought to... SIR!

Let's talk about the romance between Bruce & Andrea.
This is one romance story that I find more depressing than that of Romeo & Juliet.
Their relationship were never objected, they could've been so happy together. But circumstances after circumstances just ruined their relationship and their lives.
Even in the end, when all was set and done, they just never could be together again.
You should watch the movie all the way til it ends with Andrea. Man, that scene was just stunning for me.
The scene proceeded and ended with one sentence that just struck me deep.

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Andrea: I am now alone.

You really need to watch the whole movie in order to get that same impact I felt when I saw that.
The graphics of this film is classical, as it is quite an old film... Must it's still enjoyable and comfortable to watch.
This movie should be a 'MUST' watch for those of you who are fans of Batman or even just interested with the Caped Crusader.
Who knows.. for those of you unfamiliar with the Dark Knight, after watching this movie, you might just get interested yourself. (Same goes for "Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker")

This is one movie I will not forget for a long time, if not ever.

Phantasm VS Batman
Confrontation between the Mask & the Bat - How shall it end?

City Councilman VS Clown Prince of Crime
Reeves (speaking on phone): You're telling me there were four precincts on Batman's heels and he still got away?
Reeves (hangs up the phone): Unbelievable!
Joker (at the door): Tsk, tsk. And to think our tax money goes to pay those jerks.


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