Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Hybrid's Blog, June Twenty-Fifth, Two Thousand and Five

Blank of FF IX - 'LIVE FREE'
Man... I think two weeks I didn't update my blog on what I've been doing huh?
don't worry, I'm not gonna write a LONG post just to recap those two weeks... I can't be bothered to even try...

Just been feeling lazy to write about my days....
So I'll just highlight on things that I feel I want to...

Some time ago, got to have a meeting with Madam Bibi, Director of the Pre-University Program of Curtin... together with eight Student Representatives from eight different Pre-U / Foundation groups...
Sabrina, Florence, Yii Yang, Johnna, Eddy, Augustine, Christopher, & Dillon...
The meeting was on a Friday afternoon.... June 17th....
was quite an interseting one too..... but no information discussed shall be disclosed...

Then, next day, had another meeting, regarding the coming Orientation Week...
Those that came were Serena, Ling, Benet, Kimmy, Havinesh, & Pierre...
Got to discuss on how to improve the O-Week... good ideas were gathered...
but I feel we would require more meetings and ideas to finalise things...

Last Wednesday night, got to go out and watch Batman Begins with Roger, Rudi, & Iqbal...
Boy, was there a problem that night... the movie we initially planned to watch was supposed to be at 9.15pm...
got to check on newspaper morning... movie show at 9.15pm...
got to check by coincidence online... movie show at 9.15pm...
but when Roger & I went to buy the tickets... NO MOVIE SHOW AT 9.15PM!!!!
All movie theater are used to show Initial D the Movie... STUPID!!

If it hadn't been so damned crowded.. the people behind the counter would SOOOO get a blasphemy from me... sheesh!!
This ain't the first time that darn Star Cineplex had gave wrong advertisement...
happen again.... no holding back... I am promising myself this...

Cause of that, we were forced to watch the movie at 10.45pm!!! The movie is supposedly about two hours... that means we'll be done around 1am!!!!
Sigh.. whatever..... got to watch the movie... and it was quite satisfying... though.... it wasn't really that great.... honestly...
will do a review on it...

Earlier that same Wednesday, early morning, had a meeting with some of the people at the Student Services with regards of the coming O-Week.. together with Benet.. and Nicholas who came later...
Told them of some of our ideas to improve the Orientation week... they were supportive...
and we got to settle some things.... and hopefully I'd be able to make myself feel better by filling the more of the gaps that are still in the plan... and there's a LARGE space in the plan that needs to be filled up...

Akane & Ranma - Nice pose & outfits
Sigh.... last night had Wushu practise... and boy has my left leg really strained itself...
just laying it down straight can cause it to feel pain.... sigh...
anyway... tomorrow, ain't going to practise... my leg needs recuperating...
besides... Cartoon Network is gonna show 15 back-to-back episodes of Batman the animated series...
and I don't plan to miss any of them!! hheehe!


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