Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Stupid, narrow-minded backstabbers.....

Where Vengeance Begins
Man.... been a while since me last update.. one week ago...
feeling kind of bad and upset and all that negative emotion right now...

If you leave your mouse on the picture of Batman long enough.. you'll get the description 'Where Vengeance Begins'...
It's just a description for the Caped Crusader's moment in the picture, and plus it was named that...
So don't worry.. I'm not out for blood or anyone....
well... not for this case anyway... haha.................................................................... or any case honestly..

(WARNING: Content may include mild foul languages)

Was on a MSN chat with someone.. and we got into the topic of gossips...
and boy, did I get to know more than I thought I would...
but I honestly thank that person for telling me about it....
It may not be new information for me.... but those are valuable news to me...

Turns out.. people are talking bad things about me behind my back...
Normally, I would ignore these gossips, since most of them come from people who I am not familiar with and are not close to me....
and I believe.. if they're not close friends with me... they don't know me well enough to judge me...
0% qualification to judge me... what they say are not trustworthy...
PLUS... they backstabbed me... how can you trust somebody who backstabs you?

however this time..... the people backstabbing me are revealed to be my classmates...

which would explain the isolation throughout my class times....
I don't know who.. I was not told of who they were or who he/she was..
and I basically don't care...
Curious... but don't give a shit...
it's better that I don't know anyway...
What hurts me the most is that I trusted my classmates very much and took them as my good friends before...

guess I don't fit in with them...

I don't know of what they've been talking about me behind my back all this while...
but seems that the main thing is that they're saying that I am arrogant and a show-off....
One example given was during the dance practises....
I do not know of which practises and I wouldn't remember those practises anyway...
Turned out that during the practise, while I was (probably) teaching the boys the dance steps or doing something... the classmate of mine mentioned something about me being a show-off...

well.... I just HAVE to say my defense...
I was doing what I had to do....
No one else was teaching the boys the dance steps...
Barely anyone was coming up with dance steps for the boys....
and if its about me dancing the girl's steps and just dancing on my own sometimes.. those are just for fun.... and at the same time, memorizing steps... so next time, if people ask about the girl's step.. then I would know!

sheesh.... I am such an easily misunderstood boy.... no wonder I like to be detailed with my words....

I admit.. maybe my actions seem like I am an obvious show-off....
but trust me... it is never intended to intimidate anyone or even intended to BE presented in that way....

I don't like show-offs and arrogant people myself....
But it is just how I do things....
And besides.. I recall this quote from my Primary Six class teacher... which i believe I mentioned before in an older blog entry...

"If you're good at something, what's wrong with showing it off?"

And hey! it's true enough... how do you think those celebrities got so famous, huh?
was it just by coincidence that they did absolutely nothing and then got noticed to have an excellent singing voice or excellent acting talent or excellent future in modeling....?
I highly.. no.. ABSOLUTELY doubt it!!


What I am doing now may or may not be my talent.... or something that I am good at...
but it IS something I feel I can do well....
and if what I am doing now is not good or right for you.... then dare to speak up....
I won't hate you.... I only hate narrow-minded bastards and bitches....
I welcome all insults and complaints about my actions with open arms.....
And that's the thing... people are SO good at backstabbing, that the person they backstabbed doesn't realise it....
No one dares to speak up about it? Then how or even why should I change for them, huh?
Yeah, go on and hate me or something.....

I don't exist in this world to please everyone....



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although it's horrible enough to have gossip about one's self circulating around but it's even much worse when you actually entertain them.

Welcome to the real world, of two-faced bastards and the ignorant masses.

Yet, that's life.

3:47 AM

Blogger Zack_Tiang said...

Thanks for the comment.

I like entertaining them...
gives me the motivation to be colder and more aware so as not to befriend a backstabber next time I happen to realise I met one...

but yeah.... that's life... and it's my own...

Thanks again for the comment.

8:14 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look I know how u feel, I went through that two and I just ignore them and if it those not work talk to them and explain them cause some times people just don't understand, but sometimes they just want to hurt u and ur feeling and u can't let them.

9:50 PM


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