Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Exams over..and soon... The Reunion!

Chibi Sephiroth

Exams are over!! Everyone's fine and dandy!! Everyone's celebrating! Everyone's cheering 'Merdeka!'!
Sigh.... my last test paper was this morning... Physics....
let me tell you the story of my preparation for this particular test... from last night til this early morning...

I thought to relieve myself of tension and stress before going to study Physics... so I went online, do my stuffs, and also played Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories on the computer...
hahah! Ended up playing for so long til near midnight..
then thought to try to study.... but then... was caught up with a few friends online... who 'thought to be somewhat chatty at the moment'...
heheeh... that Stephanie Ting.... troublesome lah that girl... hahha!
kept teasing me... haha!
I felt kind of hyper cause of her.. and thought I just could not study at that time.... so went off at about 2am...

My gosh.... as I went up to prepare to sleep... I noticed I wasn't walking straight... my balance was off... my head was feeling giddy and dizzy....
hahah!! Once I placed my head on the soft pillow, my head just went topsy-turby!!
hehehe.. makes for a comfortable sleep though! I practically fainted myself to sleep!

Woke up almost one hour later than I had wished too.... near 7am...
had my shower... skipped breakfast.. and rushed to campus..... boy.. cause of the rain... everyone just seemed to drive so annoyingly slow.. AhhH!!
once reached school.... went to wait outside my examination venue... G2 101...
read through my past test papers and some tutorial notes.... was done about ten minutes before we entered the venue...
no point stressing myself to cramp all the information into my head.... I learned when this week of exam....
thankfully there's multiple-choice questions.... those were a breeze... hehee! since most of them came out from the earlier test papers...

I came out after an hour... I've checked to see if I can 'steal' some marks with anything... and I decided that I've done what I possibly could at the moment.....
heheh! Yay!! Exam was over for me!!!
Quote from Benet who met me outside.... "Finished exams? You can just see the glow on your face!"
hahha! Indeed!!

Anyway.. tonight.... a meeting with Abel and the people helping with the Degree O-Week, which is next week....
All mentors of Curtin Camp 2005, except Iqbal, who is still not confirmed, are in on this one!!
Wooohoo!! Me, Roger, Wisdom, Hiew, GT, Cheryl, Kimberley, Pamela, Melanie, & Genesis!! Woohoo!!
Time for a reunion, baby!! The Reunion


Blogger Kim said...

i'm not celebrating.

i'm not fine. =(

12:26 AM

Blogger Zack_Tiang said...

oh.. so kesian you...

come on lah...
forget about the exams now...
let's just focus on enjoying ourselves for the time being!!

1:28 AM


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