Over a year has gone. HYBRID has recovered from his last fall after FATE’s game and has continued to set forth with his life; FATE still weaving Her obstacles for him and the ‘Demon of the Conscience’, ID still present and battling with him as he progressed.
How will his journey be from here onwards?

HYBRID smiles.

He’s looking forward to what’s ahead.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

walking down a road of thorny bushes but wonderous scenery

Roger, me & Kimberley
Trio of a lifetime

Thought to share a little from my own perspective.
It is undoubtedly amazing how people can get so close to one another in just a few days.
Sigh... I never thought this would go so far.
Not to mention, never thought that it would be between me and my closest best friend ever since childhood...

Roger, you are as I mentioned before, and that is not one bit a lie. You know me better than anyone I know, even my own family, both of either blood or friendship. We've always been able to talk just about anything and everything to one another. Our friendship has constantly been tested, mainly by separation and individual differences.

In secondary school, we were of different classes, except in Form 1. National Service, you were placed at West Malaysia, while I remained in Sarawak. Pre-University studies, you studied at PRIME while I studied at Curtin.

Despite all that, we've always remained best friends.

I visited you at your class in the end of our secondary school lives,
We stayed in touch when we could during National Service,
And even now you have joined me at Curtin.

BEFORE, you had always been good with your studies and in sports, ever since primary school. I on the other hand had always been quiet, reserved, and had terrible academic performances. You've got to travel a lot and experienced a lot cause of your competitions, while I constantly remained back in boring Miri, still trying to discover myself.

NOW, I've discovered a lot of myself and of what I want in my life. I've gone through many different experiences and learned a lot of things. So basically, I've brought myself up pretty much close to your level.. in a sense... hehe!

This is yet another test of our friendship, a test that was never expected since we thought we had our differences of taste.
Guess we share a lot more in common, huh?
Initially, this test, for me, was very daunting and frightening, honestly.
One point, I was even afraid that I would end up hating you in the end of this.
I recall worrying about such a thing happening to us long long ago back near the end of secondary school, but what would I know, huh, back then?

Now, I can dare say that nothing is ever gonna break that bond of ours.
Our bond of friendship is strong by itself, but it also draws its power from our own individual strengths. So it's basically indestructible, I feel.
We're not merely just best friends. We're truly twins. 'Lost twins', 'Twins of different birthdays', etc.

This is from my personal view, anyway. I can't say I know your point of view.

Kim, you are the closest girl I've ever been friends with. No other girl that I am or have been friends with comes close to you.
You're always leaving yourself in depression, and that always leaves me depressed too.
I always try to lift your spirits up. And like that picture you showed me, I did that not cause I wanted to see a smile on your face, but because I didn't want you to remain in distress. A smile from you just shows that at least a little light is shining in your dark despair.
I apologise sincerely if whatever I've done, whether deliberate or not, may have been a bother to you in some way.
As I told you before, I care a lot about you and will continue to til the day I rest my body forever.

I apologise with much sincerity to anyone that has been affected negatively in some way by this situation of ours.
It was just something that happened, and I feel is gonna be for a while longer before it finally settles.

Rog, Kim,
I definitely hope that we'll remain close, no matter the outcome.
I love and care about both of you and it'd be a terrible, terrible waste of our great friendship if our bonds were lost somehow.
We're a trio of a lifetime, indeed.

Yours sincerely, Zack


Blogger Kim said...

Indeed.. =)

7:34 PM


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